Latin America

AgGateway Latin America News

By José Alexandre Loyola, AgGateway Latin America Regional Director

We have been continuing our series of initiatives on social media to disseminate practical and relevant knowledge about data integration and interoperability, and standardization in the field. On our YouTube channel we have featured professionals from companies that have been using precision and digital agriculture technologies. Our most recent “live” on YouTube in October featured Ronaldo Oliveira from EMBRAPA SOLOS and Leonardo Vinícius da Prisma (both members of AgGateway). The two guests discussed with me the main challenges of soil data integration in the region. We also discussed the excellent project that is being conducted by a group of AgGateway members, led by Ronaldo, on soil laboratory data integration.

Our upcoming November 11 program will focus on data integration in grain production in Brazil. I’ll be talking with two professionals who work on a daily basis with AP technologies and digital platforms, Charles Peeters and André Dobashi.

In other news, we recently collaborated on a survey on the adoption of information technology in family farming in the Latin American and the Caribbean region, in partnership with organizations such as Foroagro, GODAN, GFAR, Coprofam and IICA. Results of the survey will be released soon by the companies involved.

I’m looking forward to Annual Conference, which takes place in just a few days. Adriano Becker of CNH Industrial, who serves as AgGateway Board Chair, and I will both be in Nashville representing the Latin America region.

Does your company have operations or interest in Latin America? Let me know if you would like more information or want to be involved, by contacting me through Member Services at