Mid-Year Meeting

Preliminary Agenda Now Available

The AgGateway Conference Committee is pleased to share the preliminary agenda for the 2024 Mid-Year Meeting, June 10-12, at Prairie Meadows in Altoona, Iowa.

The 2024 agenda will once again feature a track of sessions on Monday afternoon earmarked for first-time attendees, beginning with an orientation lunch. "We want anyone new to the meeting to have a clear understanding of the organization, its offerings, and the structure of the conference so they can gain as much out of the experience as possible," says Jeremy Wilson, AgGateway North American Director and COO. "They will also be able to network with staff and leading volunteers, as well as other professionals who are new to AgGateway."

Breakout meetings will begin mid-morning on Monday afternoon and continue through end of day on Wednesday. Also, space will be available each day of the conference for Quick Connect sessions, which allow retailers, distributors, and manufacturers to schedule and gather for targeted connectivity capability discussions.

To view the agenda, visit the Mid-Year Meeting home page and click on the agenda link.